Restrictions on cars in town centres and parking limitations meant navigating London was a challenge
Now that our digital archive is complete, the possibility of taking a long-term view of inflation is intriguing
The Foreign Car Test in the '60s was the equivalent to our Britain's Best Driver's car contest
Voisin cars flouted both design norms and engineering conventions; we revisit the unique Type C6 Laboratoire
GM pumped money and people into the Saturn brand but it was to no avail
1950s cars stood out with 'pontoon'-shaped silhouettes but when did these obscure designs die out
Charles Friswell's unique take on selling cars caused much confusion, and eventually led to him to get a knighthood
Unique resource of automotive history – 129 years of weekly reporting – now available for just £2.46 a week
The thunderous roadster emerged in 1962 as a V8 development of 1953’s Ace
We asked a Swiss journalist whether Britain could recover its post-war lead as the European industry got going again
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