I am surprised at just how quiet the car industry has been about fracking.
I mean, the process produces practically free gas that can be bottled and pumped into our internal combustion engines to make them go bang and everything.
Running our cars on natural gas would mean that all that expensive tech involving a couple of engines and batteries could be abandoned as being rather bothersome and a bit silly. In fact, this is a wonderful opportunity to set up a wholly British infrastructure of what our American friends call ‘gas stations’.
As the three-pin-powered subsidy gravy train rumbles on for electric cars and charging points, here is an opportunity that shouldn’t be overlooked or underestimated. Except that it will be – as there are too many vested interests at stake.
Personally, I am right behind fracking. It is not a new-fangled process; it has been around for years and is much less damaging to the landscape than the dozens of wind farms that blight my area. So I have ordered my home fracking kit off the interweb and I start test drilling at the weekend near the greenhouse.
There will, of course, be protests, as Jocasta and Jonty from the North London Collective Against Everything won’t be pleased. Luckily, I have a part-time PCSO who is going to pop round every evening to make sure everyone stays on the right side of my hedge.
So, are you happy to Frack your Ride?
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Wasn't LPG supposed to be
Wasn't LPG supposed to be the next big thing?About twenty years ago
Only recently
A newspaper reported that although Mr Cameron likes the idea of fracking, he doesn't want it in his county. That pretty much says it all - fracking is fine as long as it's in someone else's backyard.
Are the anti-fracking protesters ignoring the facts?
It is my opinion they are,fracking has been taking place in
Nottinghamshire for the past 53 years,no protest from locals
also the fracking has taken place next to a nature reserve with
no problems.
Canada i understand has many fracking sites with no problems
being reported,also the price of gas has halved in the local area.
It would seem to me that the protesters have nothing better to do than
make a fuss over something they know nothing about,i wonder how
many are on benifits ?.