What's been going on in the automotive world this week? Well, quite a lot actually, and while we've been reporting it, I've been watching and deciding where it fits in the latest best and worst of the week. 

Here's what - in my opinion, at least - has been doing well, and not so well, this week. 

The best things I've seen all week 

2017 Wörthersee Treffen

Golf 5

Go. Just go. Bit late this year (what with having finished and all), so go next year. It can’t really be described in words, but the atmosphere, people, cars, setting - everything - is worth seeing. If the whole world behaved like the people at Wörthersee did this week, there’d be no war. Magic. Disneyland for VW owners.

The facelifted Fiat 500L’s traction control

Cross 0